We received the diagnosis we anticipated. Cerebral Palsy.
The neurologist said that the damage to her brain was more than likely caused in utero, although there is a small chance it happened after birth. Just a few of the scenarios he put out there was a possible stroke, infection of the birth mother in utero or trauma.
He was able to assess her more accurately now as she is more functional. Leila walks with her left foot slightly dragging and turned in and her left arm contracted. She does not like to use her left hand but will when she is given no other option.
The neurologist felt it is time to go ahead and order an MRI to try and place the puzzle pieces of her life together. We were warned that the results will 100% come back abnormal and to expect something to show up. I'm so thankful that this doctor is on the same page as us. We know so little of Leila's past to provide to her in the future and maybe this will aide her in knowing just what went on during her short amount of time spent in Kyrgyzstan.
MRI's in children require full anesthesia which is unfortunate. However, our dear friend Kristi works in the MRI department at Phoenix Children's so she will be well taken care of. The anesthesiologist for Leila's skin graft surgery also wants to take care of her during the MRI which is awesome as we absolutely loved her!
We were reassured that whatever the MRI shows, her disease is not progressive and she will more than likely go on to live a normal healthy life with proper management. She already attends physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy so her treatment would not change at this time. The doctor felt as though Leila will likely be able to cognitively correct herself as she becomes aware.
During our hour with the doctor he kept pausing and smiling into Leila's eyes, he repeated over and over "boy did you sure get a gem!"
We sure did. As I've always said, no matter what is required her needs will be met. Let's just say I'm learning everything there is to know about the State's system for children with special needs.
Her MRI will be scheduled soon and I'll be sure to keep you posted.
Leila's zest for life continues to amaze us as she has got to be the happiest baby on the planet. The doctor noticed this too...despite all she has gone through she is so happy and trusting.
We are more than blessed to have this angel in our lives.
Thank you for your prayers both past and present as we feel and witness their effectiveness daily.
God Bless...
Our Little Leila,
ReplyDeleteWe love you so much.. we wish you all the best. Everything happens for a reason.. stay strong! You have the best Mommy and Daddy in the whole world and they would move mountains for you.
You are always in our thoughts and prayers. We cant wait to see you, your getting soooo BIG. Always know that Uncle J and I are always here for you.. even though we live in MI.. it doesnt matter.
Your our little Angel.. our Beautiful God Daughter. Pretty soon you will be getting a package from us.. Its a little something to put a smile on that little face. Everytime you see it, think of us and know you are LOVED and THOUGHT about ALWAYS.
All the love in the world... love,
Your God Parents... Uncle J and Aunt Jese