Thursday, April 23, 2009

Flu Flu Go Away Never Come Back Another Day!
Back to the ER we went with Leila. She spiked a fever of over 104 degree's. Thank God for Nana who came along and helped me lift and comfort our baby girl.
We first went to urgent care.....totally useless. They checked her ears, throat which were negative. The only other thing they thought it could be was a UTI. But wait! I guess Urgent Care's are not equipped to catheterize! What the?! That's so basic. So they sent us to a local hospital. We sat there for an hour before they even checked her at triage.
We received a call from our good friend that is a pediatrician. He said just go down to Phoenix Children's. So off we went. We are already three hours into this ordeal.
We get to PCH and she has a fever of almost 105. They don't give her anything and send us to another waiting room with kids that all looked like they had the flu. We sat there for SIX HOURS!!! My poor baby girl. They tortured her to pieces. Apparently she is like Jalyn and just gets super high fevers with viruses as well. GREAT!
So at 2am we left the hospital and came home. Leila slept in until 1:30 the next day. She has since spiked fevers off and on. Has good and bad moments and vomited once.
Fun Fun!
P.S. Leila is now walking!!!! Hallelujah! 18 months exactly. That girl knows how to make a mommy worry. God had it all under control!


  1. Amen. Glad she's back on her feet again - literally! :)

  2. OH! And why don't they make that dress of hers in my size???

  3. Wow, how scary...I am glad our little Leila is feeling better. How scary, thank God she has such strong parents. YEAH..... Leila is walking...I knew she would!! All on her own time, we are so proud of you Leila. We love you guys so much and miss you like crazy.

    Love your Aunt Jese,Uncle JJ, Marley Moo, SueSue Bean and little growing baby...
