Tuesday, March 30, 2010
When it Rains...
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I Read A Story Today In The Paper
A blog she kept chronicled her last months where she fought a valiant fight to remain here on earth for her little girl. She tried every treatment that was offered, even experimental options. One thing was certain, she wanted her daughter to know her mother was a fighter and never gave up.
On Valentines Day she received a call from her doctor: The cancer had spread and the time and come to live and let go of the fight. This mommy began taping videos for her daughter to watch for nearly every event she would one day miss from first dates to periods to weddings and children, she captured almost everything she wanted to before time ran out. Words on her blog stayed ever so positive and uplifting despite the tragedy they were living. This mama kept her sense of humor until the very end.
I turned the page and wiped my tears.
I had to do something.......something..........
Do I give to breast cancer research in honor of her?
Do I give to her husband and daughter?
Like a ton of bricks it hit me.
I was meant to read this article for this very reason:
These are the days I remember and count my blessings to have lived them. To cherish and nurture your marriage is by far and away the best gift you can give your children. I am here! I am here! And I've often been left to wonder if I would be. For now, I am here and I don't plan on going anywhere, but if I do, my husband will know he was loved and my children will know that mommy was madly in love with daddy.
This was me, leaving my child behind. You can see the emotion on my face. This time in my life was one big state of shock, literally. I will never forget this feeling of leaving a child. Never. At this point we've bonded and she was mine. I had to fight like hell to bring her home and I'd do it all over again.
I am very blessed to live this life. The best gift we as mothers can give to those unable to be with their children, is to love our own in memory of them. To remember the bigger picture and what is truly important.
Thank you for teaching me this lesson.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Idea's Anyone???
The Mr. and I have been given this delightful opportunity to escape for a whole week sans children.

Maui (picture from Wordpress)
However, as you all know, I am going back to school so money is an issue.
Some of the best idea's EV-AR have come from those who pathed the way for me. So my dear friends, what have you done with your Mr. that has been utterly romantic and easy on the pocket book?
Leave me a comment or e-mail me personally and tell me all about it! Remembering that this va-ca will take place during the summer when it will be HOT-HOT-HOT locally!
The Oh-So-Grasious Rie
Monday, March 8, 2010
Sandra. You rocked my world.

Thursday, March 4, 2010
Remember When
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
To Continue
Two nights ago was not a good night. I experienced some type of cardiac event which included palpitations, my heart felt like it was coming out of my chest, extreme jaw pain with numbness, nausea, dizziness and difficulty breathing. Lying on the bed was torture as my Mr. was closing up the house for the night and I couldn't call for him. Literally, I felt as though I was going to die right there and he wouldn't even know I was experiencing this as I was completely fine one minute before.
Eventually he found me and comforted me as he does so well. 15 minutes or so had passed and I began to feel normal again. I was so scared, a million and one thoughts went through my head; I need to write letters to my children, what would my children do without their mother, does my husband know everything he needs to know, etc..... Just when I think I'm healthy and life is great, something happens to remind me just how lucky I am to be here today let alone tomorrow. Preparing for the worst is not pessimistic, it's realistic. I am at peace with Heaven and The Lord, I am not at peace with leaving behind those that I love.
I say to my Mr. "I just want it to stop."
He replied "we have gotten through the worst of the worst and have come out stronger for it. I will always be here for you and whatever life throws at us we will tackle together. You want it to stop, I just want it to continue".
Here's to continuing life, together, no matter what.