A wise aunt told me recently. So instead of worrying about my upcoming surgery, I'm praying about it.....all the time.
It's never a comfortable feeling having to undergo anethesia, but my life is in His hands as it always has been.
I realize during our time of need just how surrounded we are by angles, truly.
Our nanny and friend, Laura, has been an absolute godsend. The children not only love her, but we adore her. What piece of mind she has brought to our home.
Shannon, my friend and sister-n-law (I got sooo lucky:). She is taking the children Wednesday-Sunday if needed. This is no easy task and one we are so grateful for. When she has our children, I do not worry one bit. She is fun, energetic and loves our kids unconditionally.
My mom who is flying out Wednesday to help me recover from surgery. She will likely stay in the hospital room with me overnight. There is nothing like having your mom with you in time of need. We are going to lunch after she flys in, just the two of us....I can't wait. A mom knows a daughters unspoken needs. A mom knows what to say and do to make things better. I am so happy she's coming, as much as I tried to fight her, I am so happy.
Your supposed to imagine places that make you happy when your stressed. These pictures are my happy place. I will be dreaming of pineapple filled delicious drinks, guava juice, cool, damp air blowing through my hair, riding in a convertable top down along the ocean, a glass of wine while listening to the soft music ocean-side, lucious rain forests and never-ending waterfalls.
Calgon, take me away.
I'm not an Angel honey, just a loving and caring Mom.