I am back home.
I am reflecting on my amazing voyage home.
The things I love about Michigan:
The leaves beginning to turn into the most amazing colors God created.
My family. The ones I speak to daily and the ones I only see a few times a year. I love you all so much and only wish time could stop and allow me more time with you to chat and catch up on your lives.
Elli, Marley and Rowyn. My Michigan dogs.
Cider mills, pumpkins, cornstalks (by the way, can you even buy these in AZ?), cider, warm donuts.........don't love the bee's.
The country. The homes in the country with large front porches with an old fashioned porch swing attached.
The weather. The change of seasons for each is beautifully unique.
My fashionably forward sister. She inspires me to take more risks. I purchased a pair red flats with her encouragement. They are hot in a spicy grandma sorta way. How many eight month pregnant gals do you know that would/could sport red hot four inch heels to their baby shower?!
Friends. We just pick up right where we left off as if nothings changed a bit.
Friendly folks.
Faygo Pop.
The Wren in the Willow.
Enjoying a Michigan football game with folks even more passionate than I am.
Lazy Sundays (well and Saturdays for that matter) spent with some great food and great football.
Parks with amazing play equipment built right on a farm complete with animals to pet and feed.....Genius idea.
So now I'm home. Home with my boys..... I missed them terribly. I miss Michigan and all the things that go along with it terribly too. My prayers always include the obvious; health, service, appreciation, and for the past few years to show us a sign when the time is right to relocate. Oh, and then I pray for patience as He's been slow to respond to the whole relocation idea.
***My next post will include pictures from my trip***
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3 months ago
WOW, what a amazing post. You made me fall "back in love" with Michigan again. I needed the reminder just what a beautiful - fun State we live in. We certainly do take it for granted!! Thanks to your hubby for making this trip possible and we so appreciate and love him! We miss you sweetheart and by the way "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY 29 year "young"!! Now you can join the 29 year and holding club :) We love you and have a very special day! LOVE, MOM XXOO