Well here it is folks, Jalyn lost his first tooth lastnight. We had to call Michigan to wake Mamma and Papa from their cozy slumbers to give the announcement. We had to interupt Nana and Jidu's dinner complete with guests. We had to call his cousins so he could proudly explain how he lost his first tooth and how his daddy pulled it out so gently that it didn't even hurt. Tariq's eyes lit up when Jalyn bragged about his tooth-pulling skills..........(he told me tonight that hearing Jalyn say those things about him just may be the highlight of his life:)
The toothfairy came and left five dollars with a note. He took the note to school and his teacher read it to the class, he was so proud.
This morning Jalyn requested that I not only stay in the car while he waits at the bus stop, but that I give him his kiss now and not when the bus arrives:(
Sometimes I feel as though I'm reading a book and reading it fast. One of those really good books that you just can't seem to put down. You turn the pages as fast as you can to see how it ends. Well that book is my life, and it's flying by.
Well there you have it.......This was my surprise. I'm so darn proud of the little guy.
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