Thursday, November 22, 2012

Back to Basics

Every night at dinner we go around the table and say what our pit and peak was.  For those unfamiliar with this, it is citing the best and worst part of our day.  You wouldn't believe the information shared during a simple act while eating; worries over test scores, lunch was yucky, the teacher yelled at me, I helped another child up who fell, etc.

One night Jalyn said he didn't have a peak.  I allowed myself a minute to ponder why he would say such a thing, surely something good happened to this child today.

And so it went:

"Jalyn? I know it's hard sometimes, and there are days where we all feel as though nothing good happened to us and that's OK.  But on those days this is what we do:  Ask yourself...
1) Do you have a roof over your head right now protecting you from the rain pouring down?
2) Will there be food on this table for you to eat tonight?
3) Are there people in your life that love and support you?

"Yes, yes and yes"

"Then something good did happen to you today my love.  You are one blessed child to have those simple, yet essential things in your life because there are too many who don't"

After the children were tucked in and the house was quiet, I realized that I too feel as though nothing good happens in my life once in a great while.  Although I was able to remind my son of our simple blessings, I wasn't able to remind myself of them at the time. 

Even in my worst moments, when the world keeps moving and I just need it to stop, I now look for a blessing.  It is there, one always is, sometimes I just forget to look.

On this Thanksgiving day, amongst the heartache and tears, I remind myself that I am a blessed woman because:
1) Even though the children are not with me, they are with someone who loves them and I'm grateful for that.
2) Lions are playing:)
3) The rooster is crowing outside my room an hour-and-a-half later today which allowed me to sleep in....thank you rooster!
4) I can name several friends/family that I know if I picked up the phone this minute and dialed...they would answer.
5) There is love in my life, my health has been mostly restored and God is good.

Happy Turkey Day,

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