"In the spirit of the Clark family Christmas...." I'm only kidding but gosh do I love that movie. "That" being the good old family classic Christmas Vacation.
In all seriousness I would like to attach a letter I sent out via email to close friends and family. We are incredibly excited to help the children that are still in Leila's orphanage, many of whom we took food to while there to take Leila home. I think of the past few years and all we have accomplished in Leila's life: The therapies she's received that have helped place her in the "typically" developing category, the bonds formed between grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, multiple facial reconstruction surgeries and the list goes on. Then I think of the children we met there, that are still there, surviving on the small amounts of love the orphanage staff are able to give with so many children and so little time. This is why this year we are choosing to help the children in Kyrgyzstan orphanages not only celebrate Christmas but to provide the essential vitamins they need to survive throughout the entire year.
Would you like to help us accomplish our goal and honor Leila this holiday season? Please read the letter we sent out below. You will find the link to donate should you feel called to do so.
It's here! "Pie Challenge Time" is here! I feel totally out of my comfort zone asking for money. However, I will make an exception and swallow my pathetic pride to benefit some very precious children in Kyrgyzstan. Every year our family does something for others at Christmas whether it be for a military family or families who have a loved one dying on hospice and are unable to provide food and gifts at Christmas for their children. This year we have chosen to help the innocent orphans in Kyrgyzstan that have been unable to leave the country due to political upheaval and the same red tape we had to cut through to get our precious Leila home.
Our little girl is in a family where she is loved, safe, provided for, protected, well fed and receives excellent medical care. Many children of Leila's birth country are not so fortunate. Most of the children in the orphanages of Kyrgyzstan are merely surviving and many will have life long medical issues due to institutionalization and lack of proper nutrition. This year's Pie Challenge has a new twist. The donations will provide not only a small Christmas gift and a meal out but, a year's worth of vitamins for each of the 2000 children that will be sponsored this year. Here in the United States vitamins are often just an extra added boost to our nutrition. In Kyrgyzstan vitamins can truly be the difference between life and death.
I understand that the holidays are fast approaching and money will be tight. Five dollars is a huge gift to these orphans. Many charities and organizations send you information and a place to check off a box with $20-$100+ leaving most of us to feel like cheapskates if we can't contribute that much. The Pie Challenge is not like that. Honestly, the change you dig out from under your couch cushions can be used to greatly bless someone.
Between now and Thanksgiving would you please join me in praying for these special children? PRAYERS AND PENNIES ARE POWERFUL! If you would like to donate you can follow this link: http://actofkindness.blogspot.com/p/pie-in-face-for-orphans.html There is a "DONATIONS" button on the right side of the screen beneath the list of Pie Challenge participants. Please be sure to put my name in the memo if you decide to donate so that it can be applied towards my total so that my children can take turns hitting me with the pies ;) Jalyn has agreed that he will take a pie in the face with mom if we can reach our family goal of $500. We will post the pictures on my blog: www.riesdialogues.blogspot.com Together we can bring hope and health to the orphans of Kyrgyzstan. Thank you so much for your prayers.
Kelli Al-Mutawa and Family
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago