Interesting eh? NOBODY stops what they are doing if it rains. You're at the beach? No biggie--if you run the locals know you're a tourist:) And let me tell you---locals spot them right away. We are not, but we look like we are, we act like we are, so until they realize 'hey, those folks haven't left yet?' then tourists we shall be.
I have taken SO many pictures but can not figure out for the life of me how to put them on my blog. If you are reading this and know how, please share the love and leave me a comment telling me how. I have an I-phone and blogging on my I-pad. The pictures are on my I-pad but can't get to them?
The Mr took off to finish up work in Phoenix and I really miss him.
Leila was diagnosed with walking pneumonia yesterday and seems to be getting worse. She is on nebulizers and antibiotics with a follow-up with the doctor on Sunday. I L-O-V-E our pediatrician, she is amazing.
I found a private preschool for Lei and a public school for J that is right around the corner. It was pure luck to find a spot for Lei with the waiting list and coming in mid semester. Again, meant to be.
Detroit is playing in a minute so I need to go represent. Oh, Hawaiians are real big into football! I love that!