With a Broken Wing
Do you ever have days where the world just seems so cruel?
Do you ever have days where you wonder why God gave you a load you feel you cannot bear?
I do.
I felt that way when we were struggling to bring our daughter home from a far away country.
I feel that way when doctors tell me there is cause for concern over her health.
I will feel that way when Leila has her surgery.
I will feel that way as I place my daughter on tables in cold, white offices to be poked and prodded at when she has just learned to trust me to keep her safe.
And yet through all of this I am reminded of one day when I received all the inspiration I'll need for a lifetime.
It was the day in the orphanage when I had to say goodbye to my daughter until we could return to take her home.
I whispered these words to a fragile, lifeless baby who had lost her will to survive.
I softly whispered into her ear......
Fight, fight for your life.
There is good in this world and I will show you.
I will be back for you, I promise.
I love you.
And fight she did.
And fight she will.
And fight I will.
I will continue to fight for her well-being, her safety, her comfort, her health.
And when I'm feeling as though this load is too large, I look at the load she carries effortlessly.
How she loves without holding back.
How even with a broken wing she still sings.
And in that I find all the inspiration I need.
And fight she will... and surpass all expectations....and you, too, will find strength you never knew you had :)