What better place than to start with these adorable shoes for Leila?
I found them on Esty from a company called Small Beans.
Only I went with Cherry Red........
There is something about a feeling you get from an item that was made with someone's two hands, no machines.
Something about the feeling you get when you've put hard work into cooking from scratch.
Something about a vintage apron and a glass of wine.
Homemade = Love, = good intent, = attention to detail.
Tariq said to me the other night "whatcha think about going organic?"
To that I promptly replied "maybe next year honey."
A gal has a hard enough time being positive.......
Those are so cute! You're right about homemade. It speaks love. And to that vintage apron and a glass of wine, you gotta add La Vie En Rose, by Louis Armstrong. Voila, perfection.